INDIAN POLITY MCQS : IMPORTANT fOr competitive EXAMS like mpsc, upsc, ssc and many more exams.

Indian Polity MCQs on inter State Relations Que. 131 to 140
Q. 131) Which Article of the Constitution provides for the adjudication of inter-state water disputes?
A. Article 263
B. Article 262
C. Article 279 A
D. Article 280
Ans : B. Article 262
Q. 132) Which article deals with the establishment of an Inter-State Council to effect coordination between the states and between Centre and states?
A. Article 263
B. Article 262
C. Article 279A
D. Article 280
Ans : A. Article 263.
Article 262 – Adjudication of disputes relating to waters of inter-state rivers or river valleys
Article 263 – Provisions with respect to an inter-state Council
Article 279A – Goods and Services Tax Council
Article 280 – Finance Commission
Q. 133) Consider the following statements
1. President establishes inter-state council if at any time it appears.
2. Parliamrnt define the nature of duties to be performed by inter state council.
Select the correct answer using codes below
A. Only 1
B. Only 2
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Neither 1 nor 2
Ans : A. Only 1
President define the nature of duties to be performed by inter state council.
Q. 134) Inter – State council was established in 1990 by a presidential order on recommendation of …….
A. Punchhi Commission
B. Sarkaria commission
C. Rajamannar Committee
D. Administrative Reforms Commission
Ans : B. Sarkaria commission
Sarkaria Commission was set up in 1983 by the central government of India. Commission was asked to examine the central-state relationship on various portfolios and suggest changes within the framework of Constitution of India. It submitted it’s report in 1988.
Q. 135) Consider the following statements regarding Zonal Councils
1. Zonal Councils are the constitutional bodies.
2. Zonal Councils are established by States Reorganisation Act of 1956
3. The home minister of Central government is the common chairman of zonal councils.
Select the incorrect answer using codes below
A. Only 1
B. Only 2
C. Only 3
D. None
Ans : A. Only 1
Zonal Councils are statutory bodies and not Constitutional bodies.
Q. 136) Who acts as chairman of inter – state council?
A. Prime minister
B. President
C. Home minister
D. Vice president
Ans : A. Prime minister.
- Constitution of India in Article 263 has a provision for the establishment of an Inter-State Council.
- Based on the Sarkaria Commission recommendation(1983) it was first formed in 1990.
Q. 137) Articles 301 to 307 (Part XIII) of the Constitution deals with
A. Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits
B. Trade, Commerce and Intercourse within the Territory of India
C. Tribunals
D. Services under the Union and the States
Ans : B.
• Part XII – Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits 264 to 300-A
• Part XIII – Trade, Commerce and Intercourse within the Territory of India 301 to 307
• Part XIV – Services under the Union and the States 308 to 323
• Part XIV-A – Tribunals 323-A to 323-B
Q. 138) Which schedule of the Indian Constitution divides the legislative powers between the Union and states?
A. 6th schedule
B. 7th schedule
C. 8th schedule
D. 9th schedule
Ans : B. 7th schedule
Fifth Schedule – Administration and control of scheduled areas and scheduled tribes.
Eighth Schedule – Languages recognized by the Constitution
Q. 139) Headquarter for Central Zonal Council is located at
A. Allahabad
B. Bhopal
C. Indore
D. Lucknow
Ans : A. Allahabad
Q. 140 ) Which states are members of Western zonal Council?
1. Gujrat
2. Goa
3. Maharashtra
4. Rajasthan
Select the correct answers using the codes below
A. 1, 2, 3
B. 2, 3, 4
C. 1, 3, 4
D. All of the above
Ans : A. 1, 2, 3
Rajasthan is a member of Northern zonal Council.